Equity & Merit Scholarship Application Deadline
Somersfield Academy is excited to announce scholarship opportunities for students entering between S2/M4 (MYP) to S3/DP1 (Diploma Program) levels for academic year 2025/26. These scholarships are for academically excellent students who have the potential to contribute to global issues, locally. The scholarships will provide financial assistance to eligible and motivated students who embody the values of the school.

Secondary Open House
Prospective families are invited to explore the opportunities available in our Secondary programmes during the Open House session in the DP Building. Afterwards, join us for the M5 Personal Project Exhibition—a showcase of student innovation and passion. Witness how our M5 students have transformed their ideas into meaningful, real-world projects. We look forward to welcoming you!

IB Middle Years and Diploma Programme Open House
All interested families are encouraged to attend the Open House. We will have a brief introduction to our MYP and DP programmes from the Division Head, followed by student-led tours of our classrooms.
The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) is an 5-year educational programme for students between the ages of 11 and 16 as part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) continuum. Middle Year Programme is intended to prepare students for the two-year IB Diploma Programme.

Journey of Discovery Open House
We invite you to attend our Montessori Open House. You will learn about the Montessori philosophy, curriculum and why we believe starting your child’s formal education at 3 years old is the best decision for your child.
The journey will begin in Children’s House (3-6 years) and end in Lower Primary (P2-P4), showing the progression of the Montessori curriculum from one level to the next.
Participants will have an opportunity to gain “hands-on” experience with the Montessori materials and have one on one talks with our Montessori trained teachers.

Parent Connects Start
Parent Connects will start on Monday, September 9, 2024. This will be organised via email. All families with applications submitted will be contacted to come in for our Parent Connect. This is an opportunity to familiarise your family with all aspects of Somersfield Academy.

Equity & Merit Scholarship Deadline
These scholarships are for academically excellent students who have the potential to contribute to global issues, locally. The scholarships will provide financial assistance to eligible and motivated students who embody the values of the school.

MYP/DP Open House
Stop by and learn more about the advantages of an IB Continuum education. Tour classrooms and hear from current MYP students. Read More.

Journey to Discovery (Lower Primary)
We invite you to attend our Montessori Open House. You will learn about the Montessori philosophy, curriculum and why we believe starting your child’s formal education at 3 years old is the best decision for your child

Journey to Discovery (Children’s House)
We invite you to attend our Montessori Open House. You will learn about the Montessori philosophy, curriculum and why we believe starting your child’s formal education at 3 years old is the best decision for your child.
Admissions Dates and Timelines
3 year old Admissions for September 2025
Please submit an application for your child. Students can join us at Somersfield Academy in the September of the year they turn 3 years of age.
• There is no assessment for the 3 year old applicant.
• Parents are expected to attend a tour. Tours are offered on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings at 9:30am. Please call Alison Kempe on 239-3345 or email alisonkempe@somersfield.bm to book a tour.
• Journey of Discovery Open House is on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 5:45pm.
• Parent Connects will start on Monday, September 9, 2024 . This will be organised via email. All families with applications submitted will be contacted to come in for our Parent Connect. This is an opportunity to familiarise your family with all aspects of Somersfield Academy.
• 3 year old offers will be made via email starting Friday, September 27, 2024.
• Bursary information can be found on the Somersfield Academy website.
4 year old Admissions for September 2025
Our primary intake is at the 3-year-old age; we are only able to bring students into the programme after 3 if a space becomes available. If you would like your child to be considered for entry in our 4-year-old programme, please complete an application.
• Parents are expected to attend a tour. Tours are offered on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings at 9:30am. Please call Alison Kempe on 239-3345 or email alisonkempe@somersfield.bm to book a tour.
• Journey of Discovery Open House is on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 5:45pm.
• We will be in touch in the summer of 2024 to set up a day and time for the 4 year old assessment. Assessments will be done on Saturday, September 28, 2024. The assessments are done is small groups of 4 students and last about 30 minutes.
• 4 year old offers will be made via email starting Monday, October 7, 2024. Families will be given a week to accept the offer and send back the signed Enrolment Agreement and the $1,000 Enrolment Fee (this fee is non-refundable and does not make up part of the tuition).
• Bursary information can be found on the Somersfield Academy website.
P1 Admissions for September 2025
Our primary intake is at the 3-year-old age; we are only able to bring students into the programme after 3 if a space becomes available. If you would like your child to be considered for entry in our P1 programme, please complete an application.
• Parents are expected to attend a tour. Tours are offered on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 9:30am. Please call Alison Kempe on 239-3345 or email on alisonkempe@somersfield.bm to book a tour.
• Journey of Discovery Open House is on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 5:45pm.
• Assessments will be done on Saturday, October 12, 2024. The assessments are done is small groups of 4 students and last about 30 minutes. All families with applications submitted will receive the invitation to attend.
• P1 offers will be made via email starting Friday, October 18, 2024. Families will be given a week to accept the offer and send back the signed Enrolment Agreement and the $1,000 Enrolment Fee (this fee is non-refundable and does not make up part of the tuition).
• Bursary information can be found on the Somersfield Academy website.
Primary Admissions for September 2025
Our primary intake is at the 3-year-old age. If you would like your child to be considered for entry after this age, please complete an application. We are only able to make an offer in our Primary Departments if spaces become available.
• Parents are expected to attend a tour. Tours are offered on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings at 9:30am. Please call Alison Kempe on 239-3345 or email on alisonkempe@somersfield.bm to book a tour.
• Journey of Discovery Open House on Thursday, September 19, 2024 5:45pm. This is for Lower Primary (P2-P4) parents only.
• Middle Years IB and IB Diploma Programmes Open House is on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 9:00am. All interested families are encouraged to attend.
• All applicants will be invited in for an assessment and then to spend the day with us in the classroom.
• Offers will be made via email, when and if a space becomes available. Families will be given a week to accept the offer and send back the signed Enrolment Agreement and the $1,000 Enrolment Fee (this fee is non-refundable and does not make up part of the tuition).
• Bursary information can be found on the Somersfield Academy website.
Middle Years and Diploma Programme Admissions for September 2025
Parents are expected to attend a tour. Tours are offered on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 9:30am. Please call Alison Kempe on 239-3345 or email on alisonkempe@somersfield.bm to book a tour.
• MYP and DP Open House on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 9:00am – All interested families are encouraged to attend. We will have a brief introduction to our MYP and DP programmes from the Division Head, followed by student led tours of our classrooms.
• MYP and DP Open House on Friday, March 14, 2025 at 5:30pm – All interested families are encouraged to attend. We will have a brief introduction to our MYP and DP, followed by an invitation to tour the M5 Personal Project Exhibition.• All applicants will be invited in for an assessment and then to spend the day with us in the classroom.
• Offers will be made via email, within a week of the assessment date, when and if a space becomes available. If an offer is made families will be given a week to accept the offer and send back the signed Enrolment Agreement and the $1,000 Enrolment Fee (this fee is non-refundable and does not make up part of the tuition). If no space is available, students will be placed on our wait list.
• Bursary information can be found on the Somersfield Academy website.