Somersfield Academy News

The Fifth Great Lesson: The Story of Numbers
The Fifth Great Lesson: The Story of Numbers begins with the earliest civilisations, who often only had “one”, “two”, and “more than two” as their numeric system. It continues with a look at different numbering systems throughout the centuries, culminating in the decimal system that we use today.

The Fourth Great Lesson: The Story of Writing
The Fourth Lesson, the story of the development of the written alphabet is told, with an emphasis on the incredible ability that humans have of committing their thoughts to paper. Included in the story are pictographs, symbols, hieroglyphs, early alphabets, and the invention of the printing press.

The Third Great Lesson: The Coming of Human Beings
The third Great Lesson is the Coming of Human Beings. A timeline is presented with a tool and a human hand to talk about the three gifts that make humans special: a mind to imagine, a hand to do work, and a heart that can love. This lesson will lead children to study the beginning of civilisations and the needs of early humans.

The Second Great Lesson: The Coming of Life
The Second Great Lesson involves the coming of life. This lesson revolves around the Timeline of Life, a long chart with pictures and information about microorganisms, plants, and animals that have lived (or now live) on the earth. The great diversity of life is emphasised, and special care is paid to the “jobs” that each living thing does to contribute to life on earth.

The First Great Lesson: Coming of the Universe and the Earth
The First Great Lesson in Montessori education is a captivating introduction to the wonders of the universe and our planet's origins. Often conducted in the first month of school, this lesson uses a balloon and gold stars to narrate the universe's beginnings. Demonstrations with solids and liquids show how the continents and oceans first were formed.