Noah Astwood: A Journey to Impact

Meet Noah Astwood, a determined DP1 student at Somersfield Academy and a recipient of Somersfield Academy’s Equity and Merit Scholarship. Transitioning to Somersfield in MYP marked a new chapter for Noah, yet she swiftly acclimated, forging friendships and immersing herself in the vibrant school community.

Noah's journey brims with significant milestones, each illuminating her commitment to community engagement and personal growth. Notably, her involvement in the M3 Community project showcased her innovative spirit as she advocated for mental health awareness, a poignant endeavor amidst the challenges wrought by the pandemic.

Venturing into Interact, Noah found a platform to effect change. Her contributions, including facilitating at Relay 4 Life and championing the provision of period products in school bathrooms, epitomize her dedication to social causes inspired by her experiences, such as attending the UNICEF women's conference during M4.

In the crucible of the M5 Personal Project, Noah explored her passion for filmmaking, honing her skills as a content creator. Despite the rigours of DP1 looming, Noah embraces the prospect, fortified by the resilience cultivated during M5.

Beyond academia, Noah thrives in a diverse array of interests, from sailing to strategic gaming. Guided by her parents' exemplary guidance, Noah aspires to embody their values of perseverance and excellence, continually striving to surpass her limits.

With a keen eye on the future, Noah harbours ambitions of delving into law and astrobiology, fueled by a fervent quest for knowledge and self-improvement. Her Equity and Merit Scholarship symbolizes not only academic prowess but also a testament to her unwavering dedication and the promise of a bright future.

Driven by a passion for social justice, Noah champions gender equality, recognizing the imperative of universal access to opportunities. As she navigates the complexities of adolescence, Noah's unwavering resolve and compassionate spirit illuminate a path toward a future defined by purpose and impact.

Learn more about our Equity and Merit Scholarship, here.


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