Somersfield Students Make Their Mark at Poetry Slam
Spoken word poem winner: Meg Durhager
Meg Durhager
May 10, 2012 — In our M1 English class, Mrs Rheanne Stevens informed us that we would compose our own ‘Spoken Word Poems’. We all had to first do some background research on “Spoken Word Poems” and find an artist who performed it. We then all performed our poems in front of our classmates, who graded us according to a rubric. In the end, we all voted on whom we wanted to go to the “finals” of the Poetry Slam. I was voted first in the “Open” category. Four students out of the seventeen in our class went to the Slam — Sion Symonds the reflective winner, Megan Patterson, Kayley Gibbons and Meg Durhager — me! Performing in front of the whole Middle Years Division was a little frightening, but definitely worth it.
Everyone who came to the Slam, and actually wrote his or her own poems, was amazing. I was competing against very good and creative fellow students — Tate Crofts, Kayley Gibbons, and Oscar Wood. To be honest, competing against them was quite difficult. My original theme was “Candles”; however, the night before I had to perform in front of our class, my sister, Hannah, kept texting, and texting. I couldn’t concentrate, so I just started typing what she was doing, and turned it into a poem!
When the judges were about to announce the winners, I was sitting down in the front row, holding other students’ hands, and as soon as they called my name, it took a second to realise that it was MY name! All my friends were jumping up and screaming, patting me on the back, shaking me. They were, and still are very supportive, which I utterly appreciate.
By Meg Durhager
Texting. You don’t need a phone to text, and you don’t necessarily need technology to talk like a texter. Like “OMG” and “LOL”. See I can talk “text”. Texting makes things faster — Can turn “y-o-u” just to “u” and many other words. We can talk immediately to others, like 1-2-3. Easy, simple, fast. Sounds like an insurance commercial. Anyway, texting is another way to communicate.
Like it is SOOO ea-sy! LOL… Laugh-out-loud. And OMG, oh-my-gosh. But seriously, I don’t have slash need a phone to text. Texting, oh texting is used on many devices. Like on your iPhones, iPods, iTouches and your other I’s. Texting. You don’t need a phone to text, and you don’t necessarily need technology to talk like a texter. Like “IKR” and “IDK”.
So, my mom tried to text with me: “Hey hun! Your g-ma just died. LOL” She though “LOL” meant “lots of love”. Well, it doesn’t. I think kids mainly text. It may be hard for adults. Texting. Who knew it had an age limit?! Texting. You don’t need a phone to text, and you don’t necessarily need technology to talk like a texter. Anyway, TTYL. (Talk To You Later!)
Texting Glossary
IDK — I don’t know
IKR — I know right
LOL — laugh out loud
OMG — oh my gosh
Originally published in The Royal Gazette